Questions, Worries & Decisions
1. So do I can take my daughter whose 4 to the hospital tomorrow, they only taking bloods?
2. Do I get emergency child care for Monday after school, just in case something goes wrong? Or I'm late home?
3. It says not to drive 24 hours afterwards ? As you still coming round from GA, is this completely strict or we I be ok?
4.Times like this, wish I had my big sister living closer to home, my partner still hasn't told his dad, which I so wish my partners mum was alive as I know she be here for me.
I kind of feel it's like some big secret, but reality is I have a child, and reality is need support, which I don't like admitting
Then I got to make choices about the procedure, and simply then have to make decisions...
5. Do I see the baby or not ? And just get the hospital to cremate ?
Come across this page, and as a warning they do show photos of babies, so if others see, is it really that bad?
6. What's the best thing to do after you had procedure done to forget what's happened?
7. How long did you wait before driving ?
8. How long after procedure can I start running / exercising ? As I got 3 stone to lose, and can't blame the pregnancy any more.
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