Saturday, 12 September 2015

2 MORE SLEEPS.....Nothing worse than carrying a very much wanted baby around in your tummy who is no longer living

So 2 more sleeps before I go for surgery 

Every night since the 1st September 2015, I not at all slept very well. 

Even worse than before 

This cape was done when I ran the Great North Run and for London Marathon 

This time round, we have no name for our baby, we do not know what sex the baby would of been 

All we know, is for one scan only, there was a heartbeat, there was a baby !!! 

Then at our second scan 

'no more heartbeat'

It has been the longest 12 days of 2015 and if I am honest, not at all looking forward to the surgery 

Life is so blooming tough 

This cape has my first born baby name on it, her name was Sinead, who we lost first in April 2010

I never thought I be dealing with a second loss, even though this was a early miscarriage, it still hurts
and now I am worried in case

I never have a chance to give our living rainbow daughter a brother or sister 
I so wish we could raise the funds for the UCLH stem patch project, at the moment, for the last 17 days, not one person has donated to our UCLH Charity page, who are working on a stem patch project to reseal the membranes 

so if you want to make my rubbish year up, then donate and share our page 
Lets not have others follow in our first steps, my first born death could of been avoided, if only I was looked after, this time round, I went round with a water infection for 5 days untreated, but of course it be put down to one of those things. 

As simply we do not invest enough into research of baby loss

or via virgin just giving, text PROM49 £1 TO 70070 

The petition, everyone reads but SADLY not everyone signs, as they think only PPROM parents should sign, this is not the case, we need the Whole World to sign this 

our thunderclap is here to help our pprom parents save babies lives with various TShirt designs 

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