Sorry I have not been around, sadly on the 11th November 2016 I had heartbreaking news that my 4th pregnancy was not going to plan, I should be 12 weeks today, and my baby has no heartbeat and is measuring 6 weeks.
It has kind of hit me harder than I like to admit, as this is now my third pregnancy loss and 2nd one in a row, I really thought I would have been given a nice break and I be able to get over 12weeks.
Sadly it is simply not happening.
I like to say a Big thank you to all who sent these beautiful flowers to me, they are so beautiful after a heartbreaking news and lots of tears it was so nice to come home too.
For all mums going through PPROM, please remember while
We have Heartbeats, there is hope
Our Little Heartbeats team are here to support you every part of the way, I had to take some time out to find out about testing and be sure this pregnancy was ending.
Sadly this third scan is showing the baby disappearing which is similar to my missed miscarriage back in September 2015, although my body is still telling me I am pregnant
Tomorrow I be going into hospital, and after Thursday I be free to send more PPROM packs out to any new members dealing with a PPROM pregnancy, we do have our team members in USA and Australia sending packs out, so please contact our open LHB page by private message and confirm when you pprom, and how much fluids you have if this is know.
Also if you have a story of hope, either a pprom success story or a rainbow pregnancy please can you share these with both our closed group and our open page or if you like to share your story with the press please contact us.
If you feel we have helped you and like to write our LHB team a reference please do email our team at
I really would love feedback to all who have received one of our packs, and love to know if any one be willing to to share photos of their heartbeat animals.
Thank you to all members who keep this LHB group going.
For every pprom family dealing with either
1. pprom in pregnancy,
2. neonatal
3. baby loss
4. or new pregnancy after their pprom pregnancy
Do know that our LHB team are here for you and you do not need to deal with this alone. It is a tough journey regardless of our outcomes.
You are not alone, so don't be.
please give me a week to recover from this loss, although I will still send out packs, I just need some time to heal a little.
Because I so wanted this baby.
Note, if any one can like, share Little heartbeats latest posts on our open page it really does mean a lot to me and our team and helps raises PPROM awareness it really can save babies lives and helps families regardless of their outcomes
thank you for your support.
Thank you to all who are supporting me through this heartbreaking time and looking after our LHB PPROM families
I also like to thank all my friends and my sister for helping me look after Siobhan so she does not know mummy is going through this heartbreaking time (I told Siobhan I have a sore tummy)
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